But C is strongly left-handed. Unlike his brother and mom, both of whom write left but can usually manage other tasks conventionally, C is a true southpaw. Today we finally got him his own ukulele to restring left-handed. We chose the same model as the blukulele, the Makala Dolphin. It has a plastic body and costs only $40, but it's considered a decent instrument by those more qualified than me to judge such things. It's recommended that the stock strings be replaced right out of the box with Aquilas. To string left-handed, you string A-E-C-G (rather than G-C-E-A) from the dolphin's nose to tail.
I was in the process of laboriously drafting a left-handed chord chart when D came home and asked, "Can't you just find something online?" Haa-ahh...yes, of course you can, if you think to look. There's a nice one about halfway down the page here in downloadable .pdf format.Now our left-handed ukulele player is set up and ready to play.
How did I not know that 3/4 of you are lefties?! Like the L-S fam, they have more lefties than righties, too! Teaching S to crochet recently, I practiced right-handed and asked her if she wanted to learn it lefty-style. Tricky.