
Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Can it be that he went from this:
to this:
to this:
to this:
to this:
to this:
to this:
and to this:
in only thirteen years?

Happy Birthday to my baby child S.


  1. So handsome! He seems such a beautiful soul with so many interesting things going on! Happy, happy day! I remember 13 like it was yesterday.

  2. Thanks, Sam! Come to think of it, I remember 13, too. So I suppose it's only a matter of time before I'm shocked that he's 50 already?!

  3. Was just thinking of that flour picture the other day. One of my very favorites, both the photo and what that day signified to me, though I wasn't there: allowing a child to enjoy childhood.

    Love you you both.

  4. :' ) Happy, happy birthday to you both! Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos. :' ) Oh yeah, I already did that


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