
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

a handful of sugru projects and a giveaway

Last July, when I was still largely bedridden, Jane of Sugru announced some improvements to the formula which made it lighter, brighter and less sticky. She also offered samples to anyone willing to review it on their website. I volunteered, and Jane was gracious enough to send some this way.

We love sugru around here, as I have noted before. The only real drawback to using it is that it starts to set up once you open the packet, so you need to have several projects ready before beginning. Finding the right projects that would use up a full packet at a time was the first step.

project #1
The bird cover I made for my broom hook had had its beak chipped. I wanted to rebuild the beak and cover the metal of the hook to make it blend into the wall a little more.

project #2
I was regularly making the berry scones from this cookbook when the handle of my biscuit cutter snapped. My repair is not terribly elegant, but it is strong and allows me to use the cutter again.

project #3
It's a little hard to see, but one of the tiny rubber feet had fallen off my laptop. The constant wobbling was driving me crazy until I rolled up a ball of sugru to make a substitute.

project #4
I'd painted a couple of old metal folding chairs we had (shown here with S's desk chair, which he prefers in "original condition"), but had taped over the plugs and feet and then didn't like the contrast of the orange and beige. With no more paint left, I covered the plugs with leftover orange from the beak repair, thereby adding both color and durability. I'll do the same with the green chair as soon as I think up some projects for the rest of the green sugru packet!

project #5
A throwaway. There was still a bit of orange left, so I looked around the house, found a broken craft punch, and did a super quick repair. This was probably more sugru than I needed, and the middle photo is a blurry mess, but you get the idea.

It's worth noting that while some of these repairs might have been made another way, sugru is the epitome of quick-and-easy: simply open the packet, knead, mold and leave it alone for 24 hours.

This new formula is definitely less sticky and therefore that much easier to work with. All five of these projects used a combined two packets (one orange, one white), and I could have easily squeezed in another couple of small repairs had I had any.

I passed along packets to kids in our Young Makers group, and they also blogged their projects: a drawing board repair, and a trio of projects, including a pencil grip, replacement buttons and Sugru Man.

the giveaway!
Still leftover: packets of blue, black and green. Would you like to try some? Leave me a comment, letting me know how you think you might use it (I won't hold you to anything—I just like to hear new ideas). Be sure that there's some way I can contact you and if there are more than 3 comments, I'll use a random number generator to choose. All I ask is that you share your sugru project, repair or hack with the world in some way. Blog it, tweet it, put it on flickr, or share at the sugru gallery. This is why we have social media, right? To share a bit of ourselves so others can learn from it?


  1. Would I like to try some?! Who would say "no?" This stuff looks amazing. Am I remembering this from Maker Faire, or am I making that up? It seems familiar, but definitely new to me. I am already ~optimistically~ thinking up repairs and projects... so many worn parts, and broken things.
    Wow. Thanks for the chance!

  2. Yes, they had a booth this year, though I never got to it. I would love to see what you do with it, Natalie!

  3. It looks like such great stuff! I have loved your projects - ooooh, am I remembering there was a melted snowman cookie cutter made with sugru?! project #1: check.

  4. My son likes to take apart and then rebuild old action figures and sugru is a helpful tool in that process. Otherwise, I have a outdoor camping chair with a broken plastic foot which could be made useable with a little sugru!


Responses from cool people—please be sure to visit their blogs as well!