
Wednesday, January 26, 2011


First of all, I'm embarrassed to admit that after a year of this blog, I only just put in a proper email subscription option (see box, right).

I'd added a third-party gadget early on, but never had occasion to use it myself and so did not realize it was a giant spambot. If you ever tried to subscribe via email, I can only offer sincere apologies. The FeedBurner subscription service should be working fine now.

I would not have learned any of this had I not been working on a second blog. DH and I are starting a local chapter of Young Makers. As part of this, we were advised to set up a website; we thought it would be most fun to have a multi-author blog that the kids themselves could contribute to. Whether or not this will actually happen is anyone's guess, however. My past experience setting up (at different times) both a website and a wiki for our local homeschooling group taught me that most people have little interest in sharing resources and experience.

In the meantime, the new blog is starting to record an unknown path of making projects in a group setting. If I'm posting even less frequently than before here at unschoolplus, its likely because I'm working on things at Young Makers Yolo. Please check it out here if the projects and resources might be of interest to your family.

Oh, and you can also safely subscribe. :)

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