
friends and family blog at

Stuart is an animator and homeschooling dad with diverse interests

Amor y Risa
Nina writes about homeschooling and family from their organic farm

Christopher Stott
Chris blogs about his beautiful still life paintings and upcoming exhibits

homeschooling day-by-day with Dawn and her children

Home With Heart
Jen and her family life with 2 young homeschooling children

Journeys Into The Unknown
Steph's blog chronicling her family's year living in Malaysia

Lisa Nalbone
Lisa writes and consults about parenting, unschooling, and living a fulfilled life

My Joss
my sister's blog about her daughter/my niece XiaoXiao

Ninth Street East
Sam is Chris Stott's wife, and she blogs about their unschooling family in Saskatoon

One More Tyme
Karen's blog about good books

Project-Based Homeschooling
Lori's excellent and frequently-updated thoughts and experiences around homeschooling

Sattvic Family
Elizabeth and her family are currently living in Phuket, where she blogs about travel, unschooling & spiritual matters

Travels With Carey
Carey's experiences on ships, trains and buses around the world

We Climb Volcanoes
A cooperative by-women-for-women blog about adventurous life in one's 50s.

A Year of White Rice
Steph's (Journeys Into The Unknown) daughter Madeline's parallel blog about living in Malaysia

If we're friends and I forgot to add your blog, please drop me a line so I can add it here.